Artist: Katesi Jacqueline Kalange
Title: Kakookolo
Size: 120cm by 90cm
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Year: 2020
Born in 1995, Katesi Jacqueline Kalange holds a Bachelor of Art and Industrial Design from Kyambogo University and is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Art and Industrial Design at Kyambogo University, Uganda.
She had this to say about the entry artwork: “Kakookolo” is a luganda word meaning a mask. In life, we all face both the good and bad moments but most often, we tend to hide our sad moments behind a false happy “kakookolo” while in public for various reasons. For instance: we don’t want others to see that other side of us, don’t want to be judged as weak, and at times it’s to pretend and forget those bad times for some time. Despite all this, we silently break down physically, psychologically and deteriorate health wise at our own expense and at times, even lose our lives”
She adds that this artwork “depicts a situation of finally resolving to act true to both ourselves and our immediate environment as a way of letting them know exactly what’s happening in our lives for assistance, while putting aside the fear of being made fun of or even being judged.”