Mukumbya Musoke Advocates

Plastic Smiles by Doddridge Busingye

TOP 15 – LONGLISTED 2020 Artist: Doddridge Busingye Title: Plastic Smiles Size: 110cm x 60cm Medium: Installation Year: 2020 Born in 1990, Doddridge Busingye is a practicing visual artist based in Kampala, Uganda. He holds a Masters Degree in Fine Art from Makerere University and a Bachelor of Art and Industrial Design from Kyambogo University. […]

Winners of the MMA Prize 2020

Born in 1992, Ronald Odur is a multi-media artist in Uganda. He mostly works with aluminium plates, which he manipulates by embossing, burning, stitching, creasing and adding wire, paper and other objects. His work and ideas then reveal themselves as sculpture, installation, drawing and performance. His connection to aluminium, which is his primary resource, started […]

An Overview of the National Payment Systems Act, 2020

Introduction Payment systems are an integral part of commercial and financial transactions in Uganda and they include Real Time Gross Settlement System (RTGS) for interbank transfers, Automated Clearing House (ACH) system for clearing cheques and the Electronic Funds Transfers (EFTs) as well as securities settlement systems such as the Central Securities Depository (CSD) operated by […]

COVID-19: An Outline of the Legal Instruments Issued by the Government of Uganda in Relation to the Pandemic

Introduction On 30th January 2020, the Director General of the World Health Organisation (WHO), Dr Tedros Adhanom declared the novel corona virus (Covid-19) outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. This followed reports from various nations outside of China that Covid-19 had begun to spread within their borders. Due to the exponential increase in […]

Intellectual Property Rights in Uganda

Trademarks   International Conventions, Treaties and Arrangements WIPO WTO TRIPS Nairobi Treaty on the Protection of the Olympic Symbol ARIPO (Banjul Protocol on Marks) Paris Convention (Paris Union) Although Uganda is a member of the Paris Union, there is no provision in the legislation relating to international arrangements. As such, it should not be possible […]

Covid-19: Potential Issues for Project Finance Transactions in Uganda

Project finance transactions are built around an intricate web of rights, duties and obligations that spring from a suite of agreements cutting across diverse parties. The parties usually include the project company, project sponsors, lenders, contractors, suppliers, off-takers, insurers and government bodies, among others. In this review, we explore a number of issues that may […]

Winners of the MMA Prize 2018

The MMA Prize in 2018 was won by Pamela Enyonu with her piece called Bwino. “‘Bwino’ is a Luganda word which means ‘ink’. Its usage has evolved to mean checked and proven facts as basis of logical arguments and conclusions. In this day of ‘alternative’ facts, there is even a bigger need to real facts […]

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